Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tales of Toys

I'm a huge fan of the Tales series,while I haven't played all of them,I know they're all great.These games are system sellers to me,just look at my PS3,I pre-ordered Graces f before I even had the system,so that should give you an idea on how much I love this series.

On to the main point,I wanted to buy something cool merchandise from the series,so thanks to my loving mother,she pre-ordered some "Nendoroid Petite:Tales Of Series Mini Action Figures",6 of them to be exact.
I'm lucky that she even agreed,how many parents would buy their 17 year old son 40 bucks worth of anime toys?Thankfully for me,she's open minded.

The pre-order was done all the way back in August 2012,with the release in Dec 2012,according to PlayAsia.There was never a concrete date,so I never knew when they were coming in.As of January 12,2013,these arrived at my doorstep.
The boxes look really nice.
First toy was Sophie from Graces f
Second was Estelle from Vesperia

Third was the "secret" character
Leon from Destiny!

Fourth was Asbel from Graces f

Fifth was Jude from the upcoming
Finally,Yuri from Vesperia

While I didn't get Millia from Xillia,I'm happy with what I got,
they're cute,they have stands and they're about the same size as a
GBA cartridge.
It's a regular sized 3DS by the way.
The stylus is mightier than the sword!
Anyway,I'm pretty pleased with the Nendoroid figures,they're a little smaller than I imagined but,they were only 6 bucks when we bought them,so I guess that's fair.The accesories like the swords are really small,so be careful to too lose them!

The only complaints are the little plastic stands,they're kind of a pain to put on.Once you hear an audible click,you should be good to go.
Sophie's left pigtail was a bitch to put on though,I couldn't attach it right,so it's just left hanging loosely like a branch or something.

Anyway,this was fun to write about,and I hope you enjoyed the cute anime characters,so until next time!

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