Monday, February 4, 2013

Nintendo shipping rant

As you may know,Fire Emblem Awakening was suppose to hit retail today but do to Nintendo's shipping methods,some stores like Gamestop and Best Buy didn't get their shipment in.
This is nothing new for Nintendo games unfortunately,as a sort of a Nintendo fanboy,I've seen it happen a few times.

Pokémon Conquest,Kirby Mass Attack and The Last Story.Granted,Last Story was XSEED's problem but I am more linient with them considering their size and the unexpected demand that game has,as I recall,The Last Story was XSEED's best selling game.

However,Nintendo of America has more than 9 people working there and it would be nice if they actually shipped the product they're selling.

Nintendo games tend to come out on different release dates than other video games,usually Sunday,but I've seen games ship on Wednesdays and in this case,Monday.Normally,video games release on Tuesdays or Fridays here in America but Nintendo doesn't for some arbitrary unexplained reason.

This never happens with their bigger games like Skyward Sword,the main series Pokémon games or just about any Mario Kart and Mario platformers.So why won't you do that for the smaller releases Nintendo,all you do is make and sell video games,so why aren't you on top of it like everyone else?

Nintendo,change your goddamn policies with shipping,they aren't doing you any favors,this makes you look bad because this isn't the first time that it happened.
If you hype a game up as much as you did for Fire Emblem Awakening, with commercials and demos,you better as damn well deliver.

Sure I can just buy Fire Emblem on the eShop,but not only will take that up a bunch of memory,but Nintendo doesn't have unified accounts for the 3DS.So I lose my 3DS,I have to buy all the games I had again,just like with the Wii.

Nintendo's account problems are another rant entirely so I'll just say that I have to wait for the stores to get their shipment in and just guess which is the next Ninty game that will have this problem.

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon?Animal Crossing New Leaf?Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3DS?
But it's ok,I'm sure you'll have Brain Age Concentration Training on time,I'm sure everyone and their grandma is looking forward to that.

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