I eventually made a watch list,but my god,I will never get through it,especially when I have alot of video games as well that I have to finish.The reason for this blog entry is to make prioritize what I should watch and to actually find out what the hell some of these animes are,since some of them were just kinda recommended to me with no information,so it's useful for me as well.
I will prioritize the shorter animes first,and if it's something recent,I will usually wait for the series to finish it's run,because I hate watching one episode a week.
I also have alot of older anime on here,so availability will also be an issue.

Hetalia-All of the episodes are about 5 minutes,so I should be able to marathon it.
Rose of Versailles-I already have the first 20 episodes,I just need the time to watch them.
Stein;s Gate-I heard good things from it and it's only 25 episodes or something like that,so looking forward to that.
Attack on Titan-So this is the new anime that's being hyped.I'll check it out when it's done.
Angel Beats-12 episodes.That's all I know and I hope this surprises me,I remember someone said it was great but I don't remember why.
Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed-Just the title alone grabs me,hope it lives up to it's interesting concept.
Naruto SD-Already on episode 32,so I'm halfway done
Saint Seiya Omega-I'll wait until it's finished to watch the rest,on episode 24 so far.
Ouran High School Club-It's apparently pretty funny.Yeah,I really want to watch it.
Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)-Again,great things and only 25 episodes.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha-I'm too big into magical girl series,but I heard it's better than I would think,so hope this doesn't disappoint.13 episodes.
Lucky Star-This is one of those animes that I always see from time to time on video thumbnails and stuff like that,but I've never seen it.This 24 episode anime is mostly here because my curiousity and see why it's so popular.
Tatakau Shisho-I don't what the hell it is,but it's 27 episodes.I'm starting to see a theme going on here.
Code Geass Akito the Exiled-Once the second part comes out,I'll watch the first one then move on to the second.Why watch something if you can't marathon it?
Polar Bear Cafe-What the hell is this,I thought it was just a weird name,but it DOES seem to be about polar bears in a cafe!Anyway,it's around 50 episodes(Why?)
Azumanga Daioh-I think this is a comedy series,and like Lucky Star,I've seen it around,but I haven't actually watched it.

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai-No idea but I do remember seeing that girl with the eyepatch in a really funny gif.Now to watch this series in the proper context.13 episodes.
Princess Tutu.The name is ridiculous,but I kinda like the art style and it seems like a nice story.26 episodes
Accel World-I heard it's basiclly Sword Art Online,but I'm not dying to check this out.24 episodes
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun-I don't know,might be good.13 episodes.
Chi's Sweet Home-100 EPISODES ABOUT A CAT?!Well,I think it'll be years before I watch this.
Hunter X Hunter-I know it's by the creator of Yu Yu Hakusho,one of my favorite animes,but there's an older anime and a reboot of the anime,so I really don't know which I should watch or if I should just watch one.
Minami-ke-Might be good,another 13 episode anime.
Seitokai Yakuindomo-ANOTHER SCHOOL SERIES?What it is with Japan and every anime taking place in school?
Kaichou wa Maid Sama-This one sounds like Seitokai Yakurindomo but with maids.Eh,who knows?

Fist of the North Star-I'm mostly watching this because it's an old school anime in the same vein as Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya
Inu x Boku SS-Well it's ongoing,so I guess I'll watch it in the future when it's done.
Itazura Na Kiss-I'm more interested in the backstory of the manga instead of actually watching it.
Uta no Prince-sama-Who recommended this to me?Why?I'll keep an open mind,but I'm not in the target audience,so I may not like it.
Candy Candy-Mostly due to historical significance,but who knows how hard it'll be to find this series.
Galaxy Express 999-An older anime,but I heard great things,only problem is to track it down.
Edit:Ah,it's on Crunchyroll,but I still have to watch the movie first then the series.
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor-I heard this is good,but I hope it's not hard to find.
Zegapain- I remember on a podcast that these two guys said it was good.Yeah.
Revolutionary Girl Utena-One of those shoujo animes but I think it has a good story.
Welcome to the NHK-Interesting premise,and reccomended by a few friends.
B'TX-Another anime by the creator of Saint Seiya,I really want to see this,but I don't know where to start looking for this obscure anime.
Dr.Slump-That comedy anime by the creator of Dragon Ball,it's a crime that it's not subbed yet.As more and more episodes get subbed,then I'll begin watching.
The Wallflower-I may or may not like the art style but it's worth a shot.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-Like Lucky Star,it's that popular anime that I always see but never have seen.

39 ANIMES?!Maybe getting back into anime was a bad idea,I should've stuck with my video games.That's not even counting Naruto Shippuden and animes I want to rewatch!
So I have to pretty much exclusively watch anime,and stop playing video games.I'm surprising ok with that.I hope.
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