Sunday, April 14, 2013

What games I'm interesting in 2013 (updated)

I didn't think there would be so many games in 2013,so not only will I list the ones that are coming out,I'm listing the ones that came out this year.

Tales of Xillia.If anyone knows me,you know that this is the game I'm most excited for in 2013,and I already preordered the Collector's Edition,because it's awesome.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva f PS3 version.Sega made a banner on their Facebook page basically gauging interest and that picture now has 25,000 likes,16,000 shares and 3000 comments.
Who knows if's that enough but I'm willing to give it a shot.

GTA 5.I still probably won't buy it until a GOTY edition comes out,but it's worth mentioning anyway.

Ni No Kuni.I've heard pretty much universal acclaim for this game,so I'll check it out sometime.

The Last of Us.This is the big one,I know everyone is going to be freaking out over this game,but I don't think I can buy it because other obscure games take priority.Gonna support the "little guys" you know.

Sly Cooper 4.I've heard mixed reception,Adam Sessler said the game was avergage,but ScottishDuck,a Let's Player I'm following on Twitter,said that it's the best Sly game,so I'm torn because I value both of their opinions,so I have to play it myself to see how it stands.
We don't get too many 3D platiformers these days.

Deadpool.The game might be a hack and slash,which I'm not in the mood lately,but I'm still keeping my eye on that.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:Gates to Infinity.I've heard that the story in this one is the best yet,but it has the worse gameplay out of all the Mystery Dungeon games,so I'm also torn on this one.

Project X Zone.I'm happy this game is coming out over here,we knew the game had an audience,but the only real hurdle was the licensing.Thankfully,they sorted it out and we'll get to play this crazy crossover.

Pandora's Tower.A surprise reveal by XSEED,we're getting this game!I've honestly given up hope on this game,but they came through,I'm looking forward to the last worthwhile game on the Wii this Tuesday,provided no shipping issues happen.

Can you believe Nintendo of Europe
made this?

Pokémon X and Y.Of course I'm going to get this.Despite what I may think about the Pokémon initially,I know I'll be able to at least tolerate them.

Ace Attorney 5.You can never have enough Ace Attorney.Enough said.

Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney.Again,Ace Attorney alone is worth it.

Batman Arkham Origins.I like the Batman games,but this one has everything against it,the writer who wrote the last two games is gone,Rocksteady is not the developers,I'm just not excited for this one.Will probably pick up the inevitable GOTY edition.

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate.The Arkham games were already somewhat like a Metroidvania style of game in terms of structure,but this one is in 2D!Not sure how they'll handle the combat and the stealth here,but I'm more excited for this game then the console games.

Time and Eternity.I have some interest in this JRPG,but I'll definitely wait,as interesting as the premise was,I heard that the combat here was a dealbreaker for many people who imported the game.

I think this is gameplay.
I think that's it,alot of games,when I should be finishing the ones I started but whatever,I'll do it in the summer.

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