Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pokemon X and Y

I know everyone's talking about these,and I shouldn't contribute but this is one of my favorite franchises and my username is from said series,so imma talk about my feels,man!
This next part is pretty much what I was thinking as I saw this,so it's abrupt but that's the point.

So I just woke up and took a shower like any other day,when suddenly,I saw that it was 6:40 am,that means that Pokemon announcement happened!
I rushed and checked out the Nintendo Direct and after watching Nintendo pat themselves on the pat,we got the trailer.
Oh shit,3D graphics in a chibi-fied style!Ah!The starter Pokemon,grass one looks cute and ah my god,the battles look more dynamic than I imagined!The firefox pokemon looks cute as well and Munchlax and Kirlia?Is this game a mish-mash of old and new Pokemon?That frog Pokemon!...is going to take some getting used to...but he looks cool in the battles at least.
After some blink and you miss it gym footage,this black Pokemon was flying,it's obviously a legendary and he was shaped like a Y for a second,looked pretty badass.
Then this blue deer legendary Pokemon's antlers kinda took the shape of an X,and then the titles were revealed!Pokemon X and Y,I guess it sounds ok,better than Magenta or something.Oh damn,a worldwide release?That means we can traverse the internet without worrying about spoilers and crap,how cool,I haven't felt this way in forever.

Anyway,that wasn't a disappointment.I originally thought that X and Y were chronosomes and related to gender but then I heard that they're based on the corrdinates and that Z was going to be the third version.
I like that explanation alot better,and I'm sure that'll be the case.
Basiclly,all we saw was a 3D world,3D battles and 5 new Pokemon and yet the internet is freakin out.
In hindsight,maybe I shouldn't be freaking out but I'm just happy to see the series take a step forward.
I'm sure this will eliminate any doubts about the 3DS now,those random analysts can be all like "3DS is a failure,I make money for talking out of my ass!"
I'm sure the games will take full advantage of the 3DS's features,I'm looking forward to Streetpass and the Nintendo Network,mostly for Streetpass since Pokemon was always a more social series and this is a right step for Pokemon.

Who knows how many Pokemon we'll have for Gen 6 but I'm really looking forward to them,9 months seems like a long time away,it was only 2 years since we heard about Black and White and we're here already with Gen 6.

I can't say anymore than that,I know these games will be good at the very least and no matter what I say,these things will sell a jillion copies day one anyway.
Hope you enjoyed my thoughts on X and Y,probably not any different from anybody else.

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