Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zone of the Enders review/thoughts on

I never even heard of these games until a year ago and I was interested as soon as I heard Hideo Kojima seeing as how I enjoyed Snake 3D!
Anyways,my mecha loving friend bought the HD collection and I borrowed it from him so I can see what I missed out on.This is just my thoughts on the first game,for anyone wondering.
Total playtime was 4 hours,55 minutes and 23 seconds to be exact.

I obviously start the first game,after a pretty anime scene,I got some uncanny valley looking characters.I know this is a PS2 game,but man did they look creepy.Anyway,after a cutscene and minor fight,I finally get into a tutorial,and it was during this part that my eyes kinda hurt due to the camera.The camera is a little dizzying at first but after half an hour or so,I got used to it.

Gameplay was really fun,it's simple and I loved every second of it.It's pretty much how I wanted a mech game to play,not that I played too many,but it was really fun.

The graphics are basiclly PS2,so aside from a few FMV cutscenes,it didn't hold up to well.The environments are very samey,I often got lost because all the towns and factories looked so similar,and I had to bitch out and just look it up on internet.Considering how short the game was,would it have killed someone to made everything look a little more diverse?

The voice acting was kinda monotone,not too great considering the Metal Gear Solid guy worked on this but I assume it was due to localization issues,or they didn't just didn't care since the original probably sold only because it included a Metal Gear Solid 2 demo.Oh yeah,a Metal Gear Rising demo is also included with the HD collection,so no matter what Hideo Kojima does,he's always tied to this series.

The music was just there,I really didn't care about it.I didn't notice it until after I beat the game but it turns out you can play your own music on the PS3,but I listened to podcast instead while enjoying the great gameplay.

I really didn't care about the story at all,probably to the voice acting,so whatever.It was 4 hours,so I guess I shouldn't expect any huge plot twists or in depth story,but the gameplay made up for it.

Overall,I'd say it nails the gameplay,but doesn't pass everything else,but that's really the only important part.If the gameplay wasn't there,then the game would just be forgetable.
If I had to rate it,I guess a 6 or 7 out of 10,since people like a score at the end,I guess.

Anyway,2nd Runner is up next,I'm looking forward to that.

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