Sunday, June 2, 2013

Drawing/Japanese update

As an anime and video game fan,I like the various art styles of these and the all the fan art people make.

Naturally,I would like to make my own fan art.
I tried to draw time and time again,whether buying prisma color pencils,or taking art class in high school,or buying Colors 3D.


It's not meant to be.It's really my fault because I don't practice.I don't want to put the time into it.
Screw it,I tried a few times,but I never got very far.

I'm like Iwata(right side) when it comes to drawing.
This is my general attitude towards new things.I had a passing interest in learning how to design video games,because since I love games,it must be fun to make them as well,right?I played Warioware D.I.Y,which lets you create 3-6 second mini games.It's such a pain in the ass to spend so much time for a small result,and I assume it's the same when creating a real video game,so I was turned off from ever making video games.

On my last blog entry,I talked about how I have an interest in learning Japanese.Yeah,after looking back on my experience with drawing and even briefer experience with "game design",I won't even try,since I know I'll quit not even halfway into the process.All I wanted to do is apply this new language to my hobbies,but screw it,I have too much stuff to juggle as it is.

My social life outside school is basically nonexistant,and I still don't have enough time to watch all the anime and video games I have.
In college,I predict my social life will be slightly better (I hope so,at least) and I actually have to study instead of looking over my notes five minutes before the test like I got so used to in high school.

Not to mention I'll be tired,I probably don't even want to play games or catch up with my anime,in fact,I felt this way in my Junior and Senior years,even though High School isn't hard,I still get tired from waking up early and all that crap.
I watch Let's Plays instead of playing the games myself,so there's also that to catch up on.

Learning another language is a massive task that I won't be willing to go through in college (or in general) and Japanese is so prominent on the internet,people will always translate stuff for me.
Yeah,while I can't play Japanese RPG's if they're not localized,there's so many other things I could do instead of tackling a 40+ hours RPG that I can't understand.

So in short,I'll stick to watching and playing the mediums I love,but I can't create them to save my life.
On the bright side,at least I haven't resorted to the Sonic recolors done on Paint.

I can't bring myself to post
a fan's recolored "character"

I think I should stop opening up old
wounds from the ancient days on YouTube.

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