Thursday, March 14, 2013

Breaking the ice with a nintendo ds

This entry is just about how my borderline obsessive hobby helped me with my social awkwardness back then,I'm better now than I used to be,but I still have a long way to go before I reach my ideal status.

I used to be a little more outgoing and loud in middle school but for some reason,I became more introverted in high school,maybe I became more aware or something,I'm still not really sure

Freshman year was the year when I didn't make any new friends,I just talked more to some of my old friends.I was bored in the classes where I had no friends but at that point,I got used to being alone and often thought about deep stuff,and I was content with that.

Sophomore year,I talked to some of my classmates from freshman year and became friends,but a notable thing was that I started to bring out my DS Lite,at least in elective classes.
I was a little shy about playing my Nintendo DS in high school but nobody seemed to give a shit or thought differently of me,so I went on doing my thing.

In my pre-law class,that helped me make a new friend,Luis,who for the life of me I can't remember his last name but he sat next to me because he wanted to see or whatever and after sometime,we got to taking about RPGs,mainly Tales of Symphonia.
I lost touch with him after that year because he graduated,but he was pretty cool.

In my junior year,I pretty much did the same thing,my law 1 class I at least managed to make small talk with a dude named Brandon,and while we really didn't hit it off,at least we're on good terms.
Later on in the year,a new student suddenly appeared,his name was Alex.

He pretty much outright said he sat next to me because he wanted to see what I was playing and of course I let him,I had plenty of games to show off.He's pretty cool,we're also on good terms but I wish I had him for other classes

Now my senior year,the year I'm currently in right now.Again,in Law 3 class,my ds...I mean my Zelda 3DS helped me.
I made a friend in Hector,and we're pretty good friends.He's into video games and anime,and he's well versed in the internet.Yes,even on THAT side of the internet,the side I actively try to avoid.
It's a wonder we didn't meet sooner,considering how similar our hobbies are.

Anyway the point was is that my DS did help me out sometimes but I didn't mention that there were always classes that I never talked,and maybe that's a good thing,because maybe they could've been bad people or something but I can't ignore the fact that maybe it was my DS that prevented people from talking to be because I was busy or something.

Being quiet is pain sometimes,you know that your shy but other people may see you as arrogant for not talking to everyone else and that just hurts your chances to talk to people.

Anyway,for college,I plan on doing the same exact thing,because that's pretty much what I do.

I won't post this on Twitter,but I don't mind having it on the blog though,so if you found this,then congrats.

Oh god,this sounds like a bad school essay paper or something,I hope you never find this.

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