Friday, March 1, 2013

Getting back into Naruto

The last time I watched Naruto was on Toonami and I stopped watching because of filler and because Shippuden was so daunting,that I swore I would wait until the series was over and then watch it at my leisure.

In 2012,I finally bought a PS3,and one of the games I always wanted to try out was Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.I enjoyed it,but that was more nostalgic for since I haven't seen the series in a while.

For months,I really didn't do anything with the series until Toonami brought back Naruto.Funny how everything came full circle and that got me even more into the series.

 After I discovered the magic that is Crunchyroll,I came across Naruto SD.

Great times are had as Neji loses
ALL of his dignity.
The show is amusing and I like how some other characters get screentime like poor Tenten,but it's ultimately a fun distraction,nothing more.

 Watching these characters again post-time skip in comedy situations really gets you interested in the main story again,so I tried the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 demo and I realized just how much I missed.

Not to mention that a few of my friends were still watching the series and it gave me extra incentive to get back into it,for more conversation opportunities,because I really need that.

So I went to Gamestop and bought Ultimate Ninja Storm 2,and I'm in the middle of playing it.I love it,I'm able to get the gist of the story and it's pretty much like watching the anime due to the awesome graphics.

I pre ordered Ultimate Ninja Storm 3,although the demo was cool,the Goku costume gave me incentive to pre-order,as scrawny as Naruto looks in Goku's Gi,I still wanted that because I'm a hopeless Dragon Ball fan.

I bet he can't even use the Power Pole!

So here I am,back into the series like I was when I was 11-13ish.I doubt I'll get as into it like I did back then,I can't exactly play the Naruto CCG at the comic book store because I'm more into games than cards and because the players there had questionable moral values.
And because everyone used the same cards and made matches feel too similar,but the other reasons just sound better.

Anyway,I wanted to share my "story" on my return to the series,so I hoped you got a kick out of it.

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