Monday, December 24, 2012

The Vita

Yeah,I talk more about this system than the 3DS for some reason,but that's because the 3DS doesn't have alot going on lately.While the system doesn't have much,the titles it either will or does have seem pretty good.

Persona 4 Golden,Tales of Hearts,Tales of Innocence,Gravity Rush,Legend of Heroes,and Ys.

Mostly full of RPG's but these are the titles that would make me buy a Vita.Hell,I'm ready to buy one right now if it wasn't for the price.
Apparantly,it's going to get a price drop after Christmas time,so that's when I'll pick it up.
Persona 4 and Gravity Rush are so tempting.

I really don't care about the Cross Play thing,but then again,I haven't experienced it yet,so take that for what you will.

The memory also seems like crap,in terms of cost and particular uses.
Unnecesarily expensive memory cards and the fact that you can only have 1 account on a memory card suck.I want a Japanese account,for demos and stuff that we most likely won't get over here,so I need to buy 2 memory cards,I'm still debating the memory size.

Games like Assassin's Creed Liberation and Black Ops Declassified are hurting the system's image,being a mini PS3 that only gets inferior ports.The Vita is getting games from the "big" franchises and when they tend to suck,people are quick to write it off.

The good games tend to not get advertised and they NEED the advertisement,since from my experience,people don't seek out their entertaiment.

I'm probably going to be backing a dead system,but you know what,I want to play some of it's games and play some of the downloadable PSP games,so I'm buying it.

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